One of the lessons I have learned from my biblical studies is when anything seems wrong, upsets or angers me that I should simply turn my attention to God. In doing this I focus not on the problem or situation but on the inifite possibilities of God. In my studies I have found that there are certain characteristics that many of the world's religions attribute to the Divine and over the next several days I am going to focus on them.
In a class I took at Metro Life Church, I read a book called "Knowledge of the Holy" by AW Tozer. It was a very impactful book on my spiritual life.
One of my favorite quotes from the book is this:
“What comes into our minds when we think about God is the most important thing about us.”
― A.W. Tozer
So what do we think about God? What should we focus on when we turn our attention away from our problems and to God. Over the next few days I am going to look at this questions and examine the qualities of God. I know that as I focus on things, whatever they are, my experience begins to mold to those thoughts. I know this from personal demonstration. So it is with excitement that I turn my thoughts towards these characteristics of the Divine, so that my life may become more of a reflection of those qualities.
The first main aspect of God is LIfe. As Emmet Fox said "Joy is one of the highest expressions of God as Life. Which is actually a mixture of Life and Love". Anyone who knows me know that this is exactly how I live. My mantra during yoga is very simply "love". We need to recognize that when we act in depression, sadness, or discouragement, we are not fully alive. Thoughts of lack, depression, anger and fear contract and destroy. It is only the opposite thoughts of love, abundance, peace and joy that can bring a full expression of life in our mind and our bodies. It is then that we can be truly joyful.
I see this most in the minds of people around me when I hear things like, "I can't" or "That won't work" or "that'll never happen". These thoughts are then expressed through action and create experience. Why don't we try to think a different way? See how those thoughts become our actions and how our experiences get transformed. Through God we have Wisdom, Knowledge and Happiness, I would think if we begin to turn our minds to these qualities in times of trouble, they will transform and renew our experience. Not easily done, I know.
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