Today begins another season of Lent. As I have done in years past I will be blogging about Lent and bringing content together from many New Thought sources and some of my favorite biblical scholars on the meaning of this time.
Many of us have a misconception of what Lent is and what it is about. Many of us just think about it as the time before Easter when we give up something, symbolizing the sacrifice of Jesus. But it really is so much more than that.
Lent is a time when we can choose to be transformed. We can choose to become made new, change old wine skins and get in alignment with the life we have been made to live. There are many stories in the Bible that demonstrate this. Moses, Elijah, and of course, Jesus the Christ. Each of these men, knew there was something more, something bigger that they were meant to do. So to gain clarity they spent time in prayer and fasting. At the end of this time, they were each given a revelation that changed the course of their lives and every one around them forever.
Today is the first day of a 40-day Lenten period. The number 40 is very symbolic in the Bible. 40 is a foundational number, think of 4 sides to a box or 4 sides to the foundation of a house or hut. We have an opportunity over the next 40 days to lay the spiritual, emotional and physical foundation for something huge to happen in our lives. Something bigger than anything that has come before it. If you want to join me on this fantastic journey, here is what I am about to do:
1. Read the Bible Daily using the book "Keep a True Lent" as my devotional.
2. Spend at least 15 minutes in silent prayer, setting my intention for the day, week and fasting period.
3. Take action daily. I will, each day, practice my spiritual walk. I will document these steps as I go.
4. Keep a journal (this blog) as a testament to my commitment to participating fully in this tradition.
5. Fast: I am going to fast. I will be fasting the following:
- negative thoughts
- judgement
- negative communication
- negative body language
- thoughts of lack or limitation
- thoughts of disease or sickness
I will replace these items with the following:
- positive, intentional thoughts
- openness to all experiences
- positive communication and honest feedback
- positive reinforcement
- thoughts on the Abundance of God's Grace and Provision
- thoughts on God's strength and power to heal, and demonstrate perfect health
This is a mental diet, as proposed by Emmet Fox. Click here to view it.
I call it a Mental Fast, and if you think it is easier than not eating cheese burgers, I invite you to try it!
Really looking forward to sharing this with you and I hope you will, even if only in spirit, join with me as I try to transform the world by transforming myself.
Love ya!
If you can't feed a hundred people, then feed just one.
Mother Teresa
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